It is our goal to ensure that we give back to our community. We plan to instill in all our youth the importance of giving back to the community. There are 4 ways we plan to give back.


We intend to provide support for our aging community members with our many community service projects in the year. According to https://www.seniorliving.org/ , there are Forty-seven million seniors living in the United States. As of 2020, 1,618,578 seniors reside in North Carolina, either independently, with family or in nursing faculties (https://www.seniorcare.com/directory/nc/). Sometimes our elderly loved ones are forgotten about, and we want our youth to understand the difference they can make by remembering them through our volunteer work.


According to the 2018 census data provided by https://www.census.gov, there are about 11 million families with children living in single parent homes. As products of single parent homes, we feel that it is necessary to help those parents that may just need a little help. We understand that without a 2 parent home system, things can get rough sometimes. Therefore, we are targeting this group to aid in support by creating tailored community service projects during the year .


It is necessary to be there for those in need. According to https://www.povertyusa.org/facts, in 2018, over Thirty-Eight million people were dealing with poverty. Unfortunately, North Carolina is ranked as the 15th highest rate in the nation for poverty. Sometimes the need a person has is small, but they are unable to access resources which can cause additional setbacks. We want to be there to help, contact us for a list of our services!


Our homeless population is growing. According to https://endhomelessness.org/, in 2018, the homeless population reached to approximately 552,830 people nationwide. In North Carolina alone there were 9,314 homeless individuals as of January 2019, according to https://www.usich.gov/homelessness-statistics/nc/. We want to be there to help those individuals in need as well. We understand that life's circumstances have left them in a hard and challenging situation. So we plan to help them during our many community service projects during the year.